Hi all,
Firstly, David has adjusted some of his meds on Thursday (he is on so many, it's a constant juggle!) to go off one of the strongest anti-nausea meds he was on as it really made him super drowsy and groggy.
On Friday he went to hospital to start his first round of chemo. As has been mentioned before, David has previously chosen to not do chemo as he wanted to focus on quality of life. However at this stage the Doctors suggested some chemo could help stem some of the gut issues he is having as a result of the tumour, so he has agreed to give it a try. Basically, if it makes things worse he will stop, if it makes things better, he will continue. We will see.
Anyway, Anne is in town for a few days so she and Mum took David to his first session on Easter Friday - Happy Easter ;) The patients are very well looked after there. He had two bags of the chemo meds, took a couple of hours. Afterwards, he actually felt great and very chatty and alert the rest of the day!! Which was just lovely. This was likely due to going off the strong anti-nausea meds the day before (he is still on two others, I won't even try to get into the details of them all here!). Anyway. he has up days and down days and we just all enjoy the good days when he has them. But we are obviously all grateful he didn't have any immediate bad reactions to the chemo. The chemo 'round' is one day a week for three weeks, with a week's break before it starts again. We will just see how things go and of course what David decides to do along the way.
Today (Saturday) he didn't feel so good, however :(
Anne has been in town for a few days (staying after family camp) which has been wonderful. and Iain also came down for the weekend. Together they have been helping out both Catherine and David with a bunch of things which is such a blessing and huge support!
So that is where things are at for now. Will update again soon once things settle in.
Love, Kate xx
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